Re: [Linking-open-data] and LOD best practices

Hi Frederick,

> But this is just philosophical.... In reality, in my daily working 
> life.... I refers to objects that have properties. I don't care if one 
> name it an infroamtion resource, a web document, a Thing, etc. What I 
> check is: is this URI in one of my triple store? No? Then can I resolve 
> this URI on the web? yes? Is there RDF? Yes? Is this RDF describing this 
> URI? yes? then lets do something with it!

In scenarios where you have the time to look at each resource and make 
manual/mental disambiguations, this might work. This strategy does not work 
very well for large-scale information integration, though. When we want to 
be able to write queries, mappings and make inferences spanning over large 
heterogeneous information resources, we cannot afford to spend too much time 
for such disambiguations on a case-by-case basis.

Matthias Samwald
Semantic Web Company, Austria // DERI Galway, Ireland

Received on Thursday, 17 April 2008 14:23:31 UTC