RE: Linking non-open data

We're very interested in this issue, though we haven't got very far in
resolving it, beyond including Dublin Core metadata in our RDF datasets.
But of course this doesn't mark any particular triple with access rights
or deal with authentication. At the moment the only protection we have
for our data is not to publish valuable data on the web at all, and
that's a pity.


Dr Cathy Dolbear
Senior Research Scientist
Ordnance Survey Research 

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Matthias Samwald
Sent: 17 April 2008 10:02
Cc: Tassilo Pellegrini; Andreas Blumauer (Semantic Web Company)
Subject: Linking non-open data

I hope this is not too off-topic for a mailing list entitled 'linking

A question that will surely arise in many places when more people get to

know about the linked data initiative and the growing infrastructure of 
linked open data is: how can these principles be applied to
data that might not / only partially be open to the public web? People
soon try to develop practices for selectively protecting parts of their 
linked data with fine-grained access rights. Could simple HTTP 
authentication be useful for linked data? How does authentication work
SPARQL endpoints containing several named graphs? Can we use RDF 
vocabularies to represent access rights? Should such vocabularies be 

Is there any ongoing work on defining such practices (or even 'best 

Matthias Samwald
Semantic Web Company, Austria // DERI Galway, Ireland


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