Re: [Linking-open-data] and LOD best practices

On 16/04/2008, Ed Summers <> wrote:
>Also, I'm curious--did you intentionally ignore httpRange-14
>  (hash URI or slash URI + 303) when minting the URIs for districts?

The insistence on slash URI's having 303 is mostly philosophical if
you are still going to allow hash URI's which people have no real
reason to go away from. When you consider that user agents do not send
the hash part anyway, hence you have no idea at the server whether
they are wanting the resource or just part, so you send back the
result of a slash URL resolution... No need to push someone away
because they didn't follow and arbitrary rule for "non-information
resources". If there is any experimental evidence the Semantic Web
will actually succeed if there are double the number of requests
needed for a single resolution then it may be interesting to revisit
the idea of assuming people are bad semantic web citizens because they
implement things pragmatically.

It would however be nice to have link rel="alternate"
type="application/rdf+xml" href="blah.xml" etc. in the head of the
html though to facilitate the discovery of the RDF/N3/JSON materials
automatically. That doesn't imply that the blah.xml has to 303
redirect to a third resource "just in case" though.


Received on Tuesday, 15 April 2008 22:21:42 UTC