Re: 13.1 billion triples

Hi Yves,

nice coup :-)

And great new data sources which provide an important enrichment to 
the LOD cloud!

Richard: Updating the cloud diagram seam to develop into day-to-day 
business :-)

Hmm, what do we write as as triple estimate on the LOD project page 

Currently we are having an estimate of 2 billion INTERLINKED triples.

The question is now, how do we count sparcely connected data sources 
like the MySpace or AudioScrobbler wrappers which could potentially 
provide wast amounts of RDF but where most of it can currently not be 
found by RDF crawlers and browsers as it is not interlinked from other 

The same question applies to our RDF Book Mashup that wraps the Amazon 
book database.

I guess an OKish heuristic could be: Count all triples that descibe 
resources that have at least one RDF link pointing at them.

Yves: Any idea how your figures change when this rule is applied?

A nice weekend to everybody.



Prof. Dr. Chris Bizer
Freie Universität Berlin
Phone: +49 30 838 54057

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Yves Raimond" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2008 3:52 PM
Subject: 13.1 billion triples

> Hello!
> Well, I guess everything is in the title :-) All the services 
> running
> on now provide access to approximately 13.1 billion
> triples.
> Here is the breakdown of such an estimation (really rough, though):
> I wish the data sources could provide the linked data themselves, 
> now
> - my poor little server begins to be a bit overwhelmed :)
> Cheers,
> y

Received on Friday, 4 April 2008 14:34:24 UTC