- From: Frans Knibbe | Geodan <frans.knibbe@geodan.nl>
- Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2015 22:34:43 +0100
- To: "public-locadd@w3.org" <public-locadd@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <54CAA773.3000304@geodan.nl>
Hello all! Well, I could not live up to my promise of providing Dutch texts for the LOCN vocabulary earlier because I have been ill for two weeks. But now have added the texts for the properties to the class texts that were already there. See the multilinguality wiki page <https://www.w3.org/community/locadd/wiki/Multilinguality>. To other Dutch speakers: could you please check if you agree with the texts as proposed? To those fluent in other languages besides English or Dutch: Could you try to add your translations? The more the better! As predicted, the process of translating forces some extra thought on the nature of the classes and properties in the vocabulary. So I had some questions and comments popping up: About the comment for locn:location: "/The location property links any resource to the Location Class. Asserting the location relationship implies only that the domain has some connection to a Location in time or space. It does not imply that the resource is necessarily at that location at the time when the assertion is made/" 1. The first part states: "/The location property links any resource to the Location Class./" Shouldn't it say that it links any resource to a Location (an instance of the Location Class)? 2. The second part puzzles me: "/Asserting the location relationship implies only that the domain has some connection to a Location in time or space./" Shouldn't it say 'resource' instead of 'domain'? And what is the meaning of the addition '..in time and space'? In my understanding, a location (dcterms:Location) is a purely spatial thing, so there is no need to add 'in space'. And I don't understand why time is introduced at all. 3. And about the third part ("It does not imply that the resource is necessarily at that location at the time when the assertion is made"): Again, why the addition of time? Moreover, why the addition of the the time when the assertion is made? This time is the transaction time, the time the triple was published. This has little to do with the valid time of the assertion. And I also think the valid time can be kept out of the comment. Of course the important thing here is: what is the comment trying to convey? As I understand it, it says that there is some kind of spatial relationship between object and subject. It does not mean that they are topologically equal, they could have some other topological relationship. Is that the correct interpretation? About locn:geographicName: The last part of the comment is "/For INSPIRE-conformant data, provide the metadata for the geographic name using a skos:Concept as a datatype./". I think this should be a usage note (vann:usageNote), not a comment. About locn:geomerty: The current comment is "/Associates any resource with the corresponding geometry/" I think this comment is misleading, because it implies that a resource can have only one corresponding geometry. I think "Associates a resource with a geometry" is better. About address properties like locn:address, locn:poBox, locn:thoroughfare,...: Comments include statements like "The domain of locn:poBox islocn:Address <http://www.w3.org/ns/locn#locn:Address>". Why does this need to be in the comment? For the expert, this is clear from the definitions in the vocabulary. For the non-expert this statement is not understandable. About locator designator and locator name: I vaguely remember bringing this up earlier, but the comments speak of a locator, which is something undefined in the vocabulary. Because of this I am yet unable to translate these comments. Greetings, Frans ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Frans Knibbe Geodan President Kennedylaan 1 1079 MB Amsterdam (NL) T +31 (0)20 - 5711 347 E frans.knibbe@geodan.nl www.geodan.nl <http://www.geodan.nl> | disclaimer <http://www.geodan.nl/disclaimer> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Received on Thursday, 29 January 2015 21:35:18 UTC