Re: A real world example: Dutch registry of buildings and addresses

Interesting work, Frans! Thanks a lot for sharing it.

My comments inline.

> [snip]
> About metadata: The dataset URI (
> resolves to dataset metadata. Because this dataset contains location data
> (locations, addresses, geometries) I think some special metadata are called
> for.
> Issue 1:  I feel that it is important to let it be known that a dataset is
> of a geographical nature, i.e., a consumer could expect data about locations
> in the data. As far as I know, there is no well established way of making
> such a statement. For this dataset, I specified <>
> as one of the main vocabularies used (using void:vocabulary) and I specified
> the spatial extent of the data (using dcterms:spatial). WDYT?

Not sure this is enough. The use of dcterms:spatial and of the LOCN
vocabulary does not mean that the dataset is about "location data".

In VoID there's the following example:

:Geonames a void:Dataset;
    dcterms:subject <> .


> [snip]
> Issue 3: CRS: I can think of no way to specify the CRS used in the data. An
> extension of LOCN to enable this would be welcome, I think.

+1 from me.

> Issue 4: Level of Detail / Spatial resolution: This would be applicable to
> the subsets (which are named graphs) within the dataset. I think that
> information could be useful to consumers, but I can not think of a way to
> express this.

Probably, this can be addressed by a specific extension of the LOCN
vocabulary, as for point (3).

> About geometry:
> Issue 5: The geometries in the source data use the Dutch national CRS. I
> have transformed them to WGS84 lon/lat for several reasons:
> a) The triple store used (Virtuoso) does not support other CRSs yet
> b) I really do not like WKT literals with prefixed CRS URIs, as mandated by
> c) the CRS is more common, especially internationally it will be more
> useful.
> The only drawback I can think of is that this transformation would not do
> with very detailed geometries. Because these data are European, it would be
> better to use ETRS89. The current standard is far more useful for American
> data than for data from other continents!

I wonder whether you had any feedback from the Virtuoso team on
whether they plan to support other CRSs and how - I mean, if following
GeoSPARQL or (also) with the CRS specified separately from the

> [snip]
> About application of LOCN:
> Issue 7: If you take a look at the vocabulary I made for this dataset
> ( or, you
> can see that I tried to apply LOCN. Mostly, classes are defined as being
> subclasses of LOCN classes and properties are defined as being subproperties
> of LOCN properties. But without special measures, one can not use LOCN terms
> in SPARQL queries. The following example returns nothing because I have not
> created explicit triples for locn classes, and neither have I made
> inference rules. So  I wonder if it is really worthwhile to use LOCN, or to
> use it in the way that I have.
> [snip]
> Or to put in different words: what is the added value of LOCN in this case?
> And how could that added value be increased?

Frans, could you please provide some details about your design choices
for the vocabulary? E.g., if I understand correctly, you are modelling
also changes to addresses and address components. I wonder whether
this would be in scope of the LOCN vocabulary or of a specific

A few more specific comments.

1. Naming errors:
- "a rdfs:class" instead of "a rdfs:Class"
- "a rdfs:property" instead of "a rdf:Property"
- "a locn:Location" instead of "a dcterms:Location"

2. It seems that :Woonplaats is both a class and property instance ("a

  a rdfs:class;
  a locn:Location;
  a geosparql:SpatialObject;
  a locn:postName;

3. Always about :Woonplaats (but this applies also to other classes),
why is it an instance, and not a subclass of dcterms:Location?



Received on Friday, 9 May 2014 23:37:52 UTC