- From: Andrea Perego <andrea.perego@jrc.ec.europa.eu>
- Date: Thu, 09 Jan 2014 01:11:57 +0100
- To: Raphaël Troncy <raphael.troncy@eurecom.fr>
- Cc: Frans Knibbe | Geodan <frans.knibbe@geodan.nl>, LocAdd W3C CG Public Mailing list <public-locadd@w3.org>
- Message-id: <CAHzfgWCev0c7+2a_ZCZ4GvrvLPY_jVkrxh8L7uKGsvNkrn04rQ@mail.gmail.com>
Apologies for my late reply, Raphaël. About your question: When this property was introduced in the vocab? Is it a mapping with a > specific field from the INSPIRE schemas? > In INSPIRE, the notion of "geographic identifier" is defined in the Generic Conceptual Model (GCM) [1] (Section 10.6, page 81), and it is based on the ISO one (19109 & 19112). To summarise: - Such ID can be either a "structured identifier" (e.g., a URI) or a "linguistic name" (i.e., a geographical name), and, quoting [1], "may be used in an INSPIRE application schema to reference LocationInstance objects in a gazetteer". - Such notion is used in the GCM schema for two attributes of class LocationInstance, namely, @geographicIdentifier and @alternativeGeographicIdentifier (you can see the relevant UML diagram at [2]) So, to come to the point, one of the reasons of introducing in the LOCN vocabulary a property for "geographic identifier" was to recommend the use of rdfs:seeAlso for "alternative geographic identifiers". We didn't suggest the use of owl:sameAs, because the point was that "alternative geographic identifiers" are supposed to come from different datasets / gazetteers, so rdfs:seeAlso is safer. The idea was also to promote the use of URIs for geographic identifiers. However, rdfs:seeAlso does not prevent, a priori, the use of other "structured identifiers" or of a "linguistic name" - they just have to be expressed as instances of specific classes. For instance: - a "linguistic name" can be expressed by using an RDF version (to be defined) of the INSPIRE Geographical Names data model [3,4] (the alternative is of course to use locn:geographicName), - for identifiers the same might be done by using, e.g., class adms:Identifier [5]. Andrea --- [1] http://inspire.jrc.ec.europa.eu/documents/Data_Specifications/D2.5_v3.4rc3.pdf [2] http://inspire-twg.jrc.ec.europa.eu/data-model/approved/r937/index.html?goto=3:1:1:7840 [3] http://inspire-twg.jrc.ec.europa.eu/data-model/approved/r937/index.html?goto=2:8:2:7422 [4] http://inspire.jrc.ec.europa.eu/documents/Data_Specifications/INSPIRE_DataSpecification_GN_v3.0.1.pdf [5]http://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-adms/#identifier
Received on Thursday, 9 January 2014 00:12:49 UTC