Re: CRS specification


> The functions defined by GeoSPARQL are defined at the pdf

Thanks. I guess there is no HTML version of this specification :-(

> In this context, I understand the need for using an extra triple for
> representing
> a CRS that is available for a geometry, in the sense that this
> information is
> metadata about the serialization of the geometry. So essentially, there
> is the
> need to export some geospatial functionality to standard RDF/SPARQL.


> GeoSPARQL took most of the functions that check or return properties of
> a geometry (all but SRID if I am not mistaken) and defined properties
> with the
> same name (e.g., the properties geo:isEmpty, geo:isSimple) so that one
> would
> be able to assert whether a geometry is empty etc. This is defined at the
> Geometry Extension component of GeoSPARQL.

Yes, correct. Could you please provide the link to the owl file (if it 
exists) where the Geometry Extension component of GeoSPARQL (vocabulary) 
is defined? And can you confirm that this vocabulary does not yet 
contain a specific property that could be used to indicate the CRS used 
in a particular geometry?

> I think that a good choice for representing metadata about geometries
> would be to
> adopt the vocabulary defined by the Geometry Extension component of

+1 ! And the rationale for adding new properties in locn should be that 
such a property does not yet exist in the GeoSPARQL vocabulary.
Best regards.


Raphaël Troncy
EURECOM, Campus SophiaTech
Multimedia Communications Department
450 route des Chappes, 06410 Biot, France.
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Received on Monday, 6 January 2014 16:25:07 UTC