- From: Andrea Perego <andrea.perego@jrc.ec.europa.eu>
- Date: Sat, 04 Jan 2014 00:50:19 +0100
- To: Raphaël Troncy <raphael.troncy@eurecom.fr>, Ghislain Atemezing <auguste.atemezing@eurecom.fr>
- Cc: LocAdd W3C CG Public Mailing list <public-locadd@w3.org>, Bernard Vatant <bernard.vatant@mondeca.com>, Phil Archer <phila@w3.org>
- Message-id: <CAHzfgWCMrzinNw4sR_sY+0YtU08S9q5h2LNeTCFrHyf+fMkUEA@mail.gmail.com>
(Original mail: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-locadd/2014Jan/0029.html. See also: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-locadd/2014Jan/0026.html) Ghislain, Raphaël, thanks for raising this issue. I'm moving this discussion in a separate thread, since it concerns more in general the issue of how to re-use terms from existing vocabularies. About defining a new class: Michael and I, along with the ISA CLV TF, decided not to do that, since we meant to promote the re-use of dcterms:Location. Defining a class locn:Location, even as a subclass of dcterms:Location, would have had the opposite effect. We tried not to specify additional statements to the current definition of dcterms:Location (and possible future changes). This is why dcterms:Location is not typed, and domain and range are left unspecified. But we had to add some annotation properties (plus vs:term_status and dcterms:identifier) to explain how it was meant to be re-used in the scope of the LOCN vocabulary. Of course, the same applies to term "geographic identifier" (as spotted by Raphaël in [1]). So, the question is: can we agree on a way to give a context to statements concerning the re-use of terms from existing vocabularies? Should we use, e.g., the PROV and/or Open Annotation data models, even though this would make the specification more complex? @Bernard, I wonder whether you would like to contribute your view on this issue. It may be also good to share this discussion with other WGs/CGs, who have already addressed / are going to address this and similar issues. @Phil, any suggestion? Thanks! Andrea ---- [1]http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-locadd/2014Jan/0026.html On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 6:17 PM, Raphaël Troncy <raphael.troncy@eurecom.fr>wrote: > Yes, indeed! It is http://www.w3.org/ns/locn#dcterms:Location >> > > ... but it seems to me that this is a bad practice anyway. Either the > vocab wants to re-use the dcterms:Location class and it should not hijack > its definition OR it needs its own specific class and it should not give it > for QNAME an existing QNAME. > > > Raphaël > > -- > Raphaël Troncy > EURECOM, Campus SophiaTech > Multimedia Communications Department > 450 route des Chappes, 06410 Biot, France. > e-mail: raphael.troncy@eurecom.fr & raphael.troncy@gmail.com > Tel: +33 (0)4 - 9300 8242 > Fax: +33 (0)4 - 9000 8200 > Web: http://www.eurecom.fr/~troncy/ > > -- Andrea Perego, Ph.D. European Commission DG JRC Institute for Environment & Sustainability Unit H06 - Digital Earth & Reference Data Via E. Fermi, 2749 - TP 262 21027 Ispra VA, Italy DE+RD Unit: http://ies.jrc.ec.europa.eu/DE ---- The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the European Commission.
Received on Friday, 3 January 2014 23:51:01 UTC