Hi Andrea,
Another typo ?
In the definition of dcterms:Location… I read this
[ dcterms:Location rdfs:label "Location"@en ;
dcterms:identifier "dcterms:Location"^^xsd:string ;
vann:usageNote "This is the key class for the ISA Programme Location Core Vocabulary and represents any location, irrespective of size or other restriction."@en ;
rdfs:comment "dcterms:Location class fully represents the ISA Programme Location Core Vocabulary class of Location."@en ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy dcterms: ;
vs:term_status "testing"@en .]
Is it missing rdfs:isDefinedBy dcterms:identifier "locn:Location"^^xsd:string ;
That is to have something like this below?
[ dcterms:Location rdfs:label "Location"@en ;
dcterms:identifier "dcterms:Location"^^xsd:string ;
vann:usageNote "This is the key class for the ISA Programme Location Core Vocabulary and represents any location, irrespective of size or other restriction."@en ;
rdfs:comment "dcterms:Location class fully represents the ISA Programme Location Core Vocabulary class of Location."@en ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy dcterms:identifier "locn:Location"^^xsd:string ;
vs:term_status "testing"@en .]