Re: ISA Core Location Vocabulary

Dear Frans,

> Thank you for sharing this. It is an impressive undertaking, I do hope
> you will let us know when it is finished.

Yes, we will naturally.

> Do you plan to include links to the OGC CRS URIs in your CRS
> vocabularies? As far as I know, those URIs do not resolve to RDF (yet),
> but they can be expected to be widely used identifiers of CRSes.

This would be a good idea indeed. I tried to look up what CRS are 
already been given an id by OGC, but from and I just see some examples coming 
either from the EPSG or OGC authority. I think historically OGC used to 
have URNs to identify CRS but the move to use URL is recent, right?
Do you know where can I have an exhaustive list of resources that would 
be of type

> About your remark about allowing a geometry to have different CRSes: Do
> you mean that you see a geometry as a real world phenomenon that can
> have multiple data encodings?

No, we are just saying that a geometry depends on a CRS to be correctly 
interpreted, and that CRS is better been made explicit, which is 
generally not the case for barely all geo-localized resources published 
by the French government.
Best regards.


Raphaël Troncy
EURECOM, Campus SophiaTech
Multimedia Communications Department
450 route des Chappes, 06410 Biot, France.
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Received on Friday, 27 December 2013 13:27:01 UTC