Spanish Translation of three documents of the W3C LLD Final Report

Dear Emmanuelle and Tom and the rest of the list

Thank you very much for your very kind and faithfully accept of our proposal to translate the three documents of the W3C LLD final reports. In fact, as Emmanuelle will remember we asked for it at the IFLA Conference in August and I repeat my request to Antoine in the Europeana Tech Conference at Vienna.

To Emmanuelle: We have no problem for hosting at the Fundación Ignacio Larramendi the translation. It is a very used website with 406.385 hits through 2011; a big amount of them came from America, Latin America and the States as well.

Concerning the very kind offer of help from Tom, the only thing I can say is ¡Muchas gracias!

Maybe, I must remember that I am member of the Europeana Technical Core Group, as Antoine and Valentine knows, and, ironically, Maria Luisa Martinez-Conde who is in charged of the Spanish aggregator, Hispana, and myself, among other people, we formed a group with Antoine Isaac about Linked Open Data. And we got the third price¡¡¡

We have received several offers from different people in Spain and Latin America to help with the translation, some of them directly to me, some of them posted to this list. When we have ready the first draft we will pass the three documents to them, in order to maintain the same terminology all through the three documents (which was what we did when Maria Luisa Martínez-Conde and myself translated the FRBR).

Probably, is important to mention that we are very familiar with the Linked Open Data issues because we have developed several of ILS following that trend. Let me just mention that Polymath Virtual Library is indeed a use case of the W3C LLD, and even more important, Hispana has contributed with 3 datasets to the Europeana Linked Data Pilot Project.

Just a last, but not least, an administrative question. Do we need to write or sign an agreement or letter of intention, or something, to publish the translation in our website?

Best regards

Xavier Agenjo Bullón
Director de Proyectos
Fundación Ignacio Larramendi
Claudio Coello, 123, 1º
28006 Madrid
Telf.: (34) 915 81 25 37
Fax.:  (34) 915 81 47 36<><>

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Received on Monday, 31 October 2011 11:27:06 UTC