Re: Disjointedness of FRBR classes


This is basically how I view FRBR. And 'bundles of statements' doesn't necessarily translate nicely into entities, classes, or even objects. Without those, disjointness doesn't really seem to be much of an issue. 


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On 2011-10-26, at 7:16 PM, Tom Baker <> wrote:

> If Work and Expression were considered "points of view", at different levels of
> abstraction, for describing a resource, then the utility of FRBR could lie in
> the way FRBR prescribes conventions for bundling particular sets of statements
> about a resource into separate graphs.  If the bundle of statements
> conventionally made for Works, and the bundle of statements conventionally made
> for Expressions, were followed with reasonable consistency, they could help
> distribute the maintenance of the set of information held in legacy catalog
> records to multiple agencies.  This is a _practical_ benefit.

Received on Thursday, 27 October 2011 01:40:15 UTC