Re: library patron data in RDF

On 9 November 2011 15:46, Jakob Voss <> wrote:

> Has anyone started to express patron data in RDF? I guess you find most
> building blocks in FOAF and SIOC Ontology, but some patron information, such
> as fines, holds, pending checkouts and reservations etc. is very library
> specific, so some new Ontology classes/properties may be needed. If I had to
> create an RDF representation of core patron data, I'd start with NCIP, maybe
> parts of NCIP can be mapped to RDF. However I only want to know whether
> anyone has already done something in this area.

What's the use-case? e.g. internal structure of an RDF-backed library
system maybe?

I was looking around recently to see if I could find any bulk
(aggregate, 'anonymised', etc) loans data, but it seems a pretty taboo
topic due to the privacy concerns. Since RDF is largely about sharing
data, I'm curious if you have a particular use in mind.

Re loans data and their un-shareability, if that info could be kept
long enough *within* a library to compute similarities and generate
recommendations, sharing the results of such processing would be
interesting. However I have the impression that many (all? most?)
libraries try to keep such data for as short a time as possible...

Sorry to drift offtopic; interesting initial question!


Received on Wednesday, 9 November 2011 14:59:33 UTC