Re: Question about MARCXML to Models transformation

On Sun, Mar 06, 2011 at 09:35:22AM -0800, Karen Coyle wrote:
> I actually think that we should emphasize the "has a" rather than "is  
> a" aspects of the resources we describe, and let the "has a" allow us  
> to infer any number of "is a" qualities. This is the message that Jon  
> Phipps gave at the tutorial day at DC in Pittsburgh -- that we  
> describe things by their characteristics, and those characteristics  
> tell us what the thing *is*. 

Yes, that sounds right to me.  Emphasize Properties
(relationships) over Classes. Verbs over nouns.  Describe
things less through giving them a name -- i.e., writing a
definition for a class of things to which they belong --
and more through enumerating their characteristics.

Tom Baker <>

Received on Monday, 7 March 2011 14:14:16 UTC