Review Draft Section Relevant Technologies of W3C Library Linked Data XG

Dear all,

i was asked to review the Relevant Technologies section [1]. I think it's
written well and i don't want to add any new content. To my mind, the text
sums up the important technologies in the context of the paper with few
sentences. This is within the scope of this section and more words are not
needed, in my opinion. With the rich linking it provides an starting point
for those who want to get further information.


Best regards

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Marcel Ruhl

Dipl.-Archivar (FH)
Akademischer Mitarbeiter

FH Potsdam
Fachbereich Informationswissenschaften
Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 4
14467 Potsdam


Received on Wednesday, 15 June 2011 09:11:33 UTC