Re: Review of side deliverable "LLD Vocabularies and Datasets"

Dear Monica,

Thanks a lot again for your extensive comments at
That was really useful feedback!

This email is a partial answer to your comments, focusing on the introduction section and related terminological issues [1].
The first series of changes we made can be seen at
Some detailed explanations follow.

We hope you will agree with them!


Marcia, Antoine, Jeff, William

[1] We thought it was easier to handle these separately. Another e-mail will follow shortly.


>     Introduction:
>     Need to explain the relation of this document to the W3C incubator group and its work (suggest adding a third sentence after 'refresher' and before 'As our incubator reminds in its its recommendations <>'.

Done in the first sentence--simpler this way!

>     'As our incubator reminds in its its recommendations <>,' replace with 'The report of the incubator group suggests that' - the link goes to the issues page not the recommendations page, is that correct?

It was not, most certainly because of changes in the target of the link. This should be fixed now, and will be updated for the fional publication.

>     'any domain indeed relies' - remove 'indeed'
>     'Far from it, the complexity and variety of library data resources, many of them already available as linked data at the time of writing this report, makes such an identification effort crucial.' replace with 'Such an identification effort is crucial given the complexity and variety of library data resources, many of them already available as linked data at the time of writing this report.'
>     Suggest adding a sentence (this or similar wording): We hope that this report will help those who undertake such a task.
>     'which as shown later are non mutually exclusive' replace with 'which are non mutually exclusive (as shown later)'


>     Definitions:
>     Metadata element sets - I am sorry but this definition has really confused me, especially the use of the words entities and elements, and the distinction between them. Are we saying that metadata element sets sometimes define entities and sometimes define elements? The examples help, but until I got to the examples, the definition made no sense to me (and I am worried that the examples would not help anyone who was not already familiar with FRBR, DC etc).
>     suggest 'A metadata element set defines classes of entities and attributes (elements) of entities.' replace with 'A metadata element set defines classes of entities and attributes of entities (elements).'

Done. By the way we hope now that all the stuff on elements would read better, because of the change on ordering. Now "datasets" comes first, and it makes more concrete where the need and the nature of "elements" stem from. And we've removed "elements" from that first sentence of the definition to avoid confusion--wehther they would be for attributes only, or both classes or attributes.

>     'such element sets are materialized' replace with 'made concrete' or 'instantiated'

Ok, "made concrete" it is.

>     'Usually a metadata element set does not define bibliographic entities' seems to be in contradiction with 'A metadata element set defines classes of entities' (or is it the word classes that is important there - use italics?).

We have replaced "define" in the former sentence by "describe". The confusion might have come from this verb. Now reads: "Usually a metadata element set does not describe bibliographic entities, rather it provides elements to be used by others to describe such entities."

>     Value Vocabularies - '(topics, art styles, authors)' do we mean '(instances of topics, art styles, authors)'?
>     'They are "building blocks" with which metadata records can be built.' - 'populated' instead of 'built'.
>     'Many libraries require specific value vocabularies as mandatory' replace with 'Many libraries mandate specific value vocabularies'
>     'Resources that can be considered as' replace with 'Examples of'
>     'Note however that' - remove
>     In the Examples give an example in brackets (e.g. an actual topic value)
>     Art and Architecture - I don't understand what a.o. is
>     GeoNames - put name of a city instead of (e.g. cities)

All this done.

>     Datasets
>     Add as second sentence (this, or similar wording): The equivalent of a dataset in the library world is a collection of Library records.


>     'grounded by the cases' - replace with 'grounded by the use cases'
>     'We do not aim here to draw a complete list of the various resources related to the (library) linked data "cloud". As said, this report is rather intended as an entry point for practitioners to find, understand and explore some exemplar resources. It is especially grounded by the cases <> our incubator group has gathered.'
>     replace with
>     'This report is intended as an entry point for practitioners to find, understand and explore some exemplar Metadata Element Sets, Value Vocabularies and Datasets. It is especially grounded by the use cases <> our incubator group has gathered. We do not aim here to draw a complete list of the various resources related to the (library) linked data "cloud". '
>     'We hope it will prove an inspirational complement to more complete listing tools such as Semantic Web search engines <>, like Sindice <> or Falcons <>, or registries such as the Metadata Registry <> or CKAN <>'
>     replace with
>     'We hope it will prove an inspirational complement to more complete listing tools such as Semantic Web search engines <> (like Sindice <> or Falcons <>), or registries such as the Metadata Registry <> or CKAN <>'


> 3.1, 3.2 section titles - ontologies vs Semantic Web ontologies - make consistent
> 3.3., 3.4 - uses 'RDF version' - does this need to be consistent with 3.1, 3.2 and use ontologies (or vice versa)

We've tried to solve this.
Specific changes are at

> Some inconsistency in using 'published' in section titles vs 'create' to mean 'make available'


Received on Sunday, 24 July 2011 16:46:59 UTC