Re: LLD mention

On 2/27/11 10:59 AM, "Karen Coyle" <> wrote:

This is a great blog post! She points out two issues that we need to
be sure and get into our report;

1) LLD is not a priority today for any major US library institution (I
would like to hear if anyone outside the US can point to institutions
that are taking LLD seriously -- we might want to mention them in the

I thought two descriptions about the situations:
The LD impact to any LIS sectors will be open and unselective, but the contribution to the LD universe will be selective.
It is like for anything:  to some people it is an investment, and to others it is a cost.

2) Libraries will not advance unless they collaborate with non-library

The DCMI/RDA project started out in the right direction, IMO, with
non-library folks advising on how to transform the RDA metadata. At
this point, though, there is little interest in the RDA vocabularies
from outside the library community (and not much from inside, either).
It's like we've asked and answered the question:

"What if we RDF-ized library data and nobody came?"

This alone should be a hint to some possible future directions: try to
figure out why RDA in RDF is of no interest. Along those same lines,
look at LCSH: it's out in SKOS but isn't being used in non-library
semantic web projects -- why is that? Maybe it isn't just 2709 that is
keeping library data from being adopted by others.

Another example: FRBR. I've seen half a dozen uses of FRBR by
non-library projects, so it clearly strikes a chord. Yet each of these
is so different from the others and so different from the IFLA version
of FRBR that they could hardly be claimed to be the same set of
concepts. What is this need that FRBR does not quite fulfill?


Quoting Jodi Schneider <>:

> Blog mentions of LLD and other groups:
> Might be possible to extract some of Jenn Riley's hopes from LLD from that...
> One key problem is still having different meanings for the same
> word: "I don't see this yet as the true strategic partnership geared
> at getting the right people in the room to find all the places where
> we say the same word but mean two different things yet."
> -Jodi

Karen Coyle
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Received on Sunday, 27 February 2011 17:55:40 UTC