Re: A better solution for legacy IDs?

On Dec 12, 2011, at 18:27, "Young,Jeff (OR)" <> wrote:

> It's still reasonable to use "info" URIs (RFC 4451) despite fact that new "namespaces" are no longer being considered:
> "info" URIs don't benefit from the HTTP protocol the way Linked Data "http" URIs are, but they call still be used in RDF to an identify an rdf:Resource/owl:Thing.

These kind of non-HTTP identifiers are hugely unpopular now, as far as I understand, but info URI was created to address exactly problem that Karen brings up. Just have a look at the intro of the RFC that specifies info URI:


Herbert Van de Sompel

> Jeff
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Karen Coyle []
>> Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 8:01 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: A better solution for legacy IDs?
>> Quoting Dan Brickley <>:
>>> Can you expand on 'too large'? You can fit breathtaking amounts of
>> data on
>>> a USB stick - or Web site - these days. What kind of size are we
>> looking
>>> at? Is the problem admin/social (eg. Decentralization expected) or
>>> technical or a mix?
>> Dan, I didn't mean "large" in the "bytes" sense but in the sense of
>> human effort to mint and maintain a unique property for each possible
>> type of identifier. It just seems easier to me to have an "identifier"
>> property (or graph) that is a single URI, but which takes the
>> identifier as a value, along with a code giving the source/agency/etc.
>> There are institution and organization codes that will probably cover
>> most of the identifier-producing agencies. In non-linked data we often
>> see things like "PMID:123456" or "eISSN:2344-8765". This would be the
>> same, but would be an http URI. I realize that there isn't a great
>> deal of overhead to minting a URI but my experience is that many folks
>> will hesitate before doing so. Treating the legacy identifiers as
>> values will probably get more uptake.
>> Admittedly, the edge cases will not be well controlled and we'll get
>> some identifiers that are expressed in more than one way. That happens
>> now in the pre-LD world; we'll have to live with that. But at least to
>> have some agreement on a graph structure would be a step forward, IMO.
>> So, Tom, I think that answers your question: I'm mainly looking for a
>> property/graph that will take values, but I will look more closely at
>> the Freebase schema. Is it possible to add to the Freebase identifier
>> hierarchy "at will"? Are there limitations on who can mint a new
>> property? And for the Freebase namespaces that refer to an http URI
>> elsewhere (like the LC catalog numbers), where is the connection made
>> to the URI? I couldn't find that link.
>> Thanks,
>> kc
>>> Dan
>>>> Has anyone developed and published a good "legacy identifier graph"
>> that
>>> we could adopt? If not, would someone like to propose one?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> kc
>>>> --
>>>> Karen Coyle
>>>> ph: 1-510-540-7596
>>>> m: 1-510-435-8234
>>>> skype: kcoylenet
>> --
>> Karen Coyle
>> ph: 1-510-540-7596
>> m: 1-510-435-8234
>> skype: kcoylenet

Received on Tuesday, 13 December 2011 03:56:21 UTC