Re: Planned changes to the VIAF RDF

On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 1:00 PM, Tom Morris <> wrote:
> I agree that unnecessary complexity should be avoided.  What does
> "Tillet, Barbara--Biographies" provide that couldn't be done with
> subject: Barbara Tillet, genre: Biography ?  Even in the card catalog
> world, I'd argue that "Tillet, Barbara--Biographies" isn't actually a
> narrower concept than the subject "Tillet, Barbara" but rather a
> combination of two orthogonal facets.  They're grouped together to
> make for convenient collation and browsing, not because it makes any
> kind of ontological sense.

Fair enough, using genre/form was a bad example.

However, there are plenty of names that have topical subdivisions:

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616--Authorship--Marlowe theory

For a completely non-comprehensive list in LCSH, take a look at the
personal names with a general subdivision:{}%0D%0ALIMIT+40

PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX lcsh: <>
?s skos:inScheme <> ;
lcsh:generalSubdivision ?o .

Anyway, there are lots of these and I think they get a bit more
complicated than genre/form.


Received on Wednesday, 13 April 2011 18:02:23 UTC