Review of DCAM for DC-2010 meeting on application profiles, 22 October

Pete Johnston and I have completed a position paper [1]
with the title:

    A review of the DCMI Abstract Model with scenarios for
    its future

This review will be discussed at 14:00 on Friday, 22 October,
at DC-2010 in Pittsburgh [2]:

    Joint Meeting, DCMI Architecture Forum and 
    W3C Library Linked Data Incubator Group (LLD XG)

    "Application Profiles for Linked Data: models and requirements" 

Members of the DCMI Architecture Forum and LLD XG should
please come prepared to analyze the strengths and weaknesses
of the DCMI approach and help chart a realistic way forward
for the DCMI Abstract Model and related specifications.

The two-part meeting (14:00-15:30 and 16:00-17:30) will also include:

-- Presentation by Jeff Young and Michael Panzer of application profiles 
   expressed in OWL2 and rules languages (RIF)

-- Presentation by Marcia Zeng, Gordon Dunsire, and Maja Zumer on
   application profiles for subject domains (FRSAD)

-- Closing, hour-long discussion comparing alternative approaches to 
   application profiles in light of emerging requirements in the Linked
   Data environment.


Thomas Baker <>

Received on Friday, 15 October 2010 16:36:20 UTC