Re: SemWeb terminology page

On Fri, Dec 03, 2010 at 01:42:18AM -0500, Marcia Zeng wrote:
> I agree with what Tom summarized.  It is based on the
> usage of those vocabularies we put them into Group 1 and 2,
> not on their encoding format/representation in our case of
> LLD requirements doc.  In other cases, some vocabularies
> may belong to more than one group, depending on how and
> where they are used. For example, for bibo we use it to
> prepared bibliographical data like using DCterms, that is
> Group 2. However if from library and information science
> field point of view, it is a kind of KOS that models the
> a subject domain, similar to the function of Dewey Decimal
> Classification's certain schedule and classes, and can be
> used as a Group 1 vocabulary.

This is an important point.  Whatever terms we decide on,
we must emphasize that these are not either/or categories.
FRBR is a good example of something that can be viewed
from multiple angles and does not fit neatly into any one
particular box.  As Antoine puts it, they are not "disjoint".


Thomas Baker <>

Received on Friday, 3 December 2010 16:41:20 UTC