Re: AW: SemWeb terminology page

On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 02:47:14PM +0100, Mark van Assem wrote:
> We from the DO cluster had another discussion about a terminology issue.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> To reiterate, the issue is what term to apply to two groups of things
> 1) LCSH, AAT, WordNet and the like. These describe concepts that are 
> used in actual medata.
> 2) FOAF, FRBR and the like. These describe what concrete metadata must 
> look like; defines classes and properties, the instances of which are 
> actual metadata, and in which concepts defined in 1 are used.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> To resolve this we thought it's useful to define criteria:
> a) the terminology should fit with our (main) public. This is probably 
> library people, so how well it fits with the SemWeb folks is secondary.
> b) because especially the word "vocabulary" is confusing, we should
> either avoid "vocabulary" altogether or prepend it so as to distinguish 
> the two e.g. "value vocabulary" and "metadata vocabulary"
> c) given that people tend to abbreviate terms when they use them, the 
> prepending approach may create the confusion we're trying to avoid.
> d) if possible it is advantageous to not refer to how the groups are 
> implemented, i.e. do not refer to RDF, XML or anything else. Definition 
> through mentioning how it is implemented can be distracting.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> I've collected all proposals and added a few more:
> Suggested terms for group 1:
> - vocabulary
> - value vocabulary
> - SKOS vocabulary
> - KOS
> - domain vocabulary
> - controlled list
> - code list
> - "thesauri, glossaries, classification schemes and other vocabularies"

+1 for "value vocabulary" as long as we include the disclaimer
that the vocabulary is being characterized as a "value"
vocabulary because that is how its terms are typically used.
I agree with Mark and Mikael on this.

> Suggested terms for group 2:
> - RDF vocabulary
> - properties / property set
> - Set of property and class terms
> - metadata vocabulary
> - data elements
> - element vocabulary
> - ontology
> - conceptual model
> - metadata element set
> - metadata model
> - metadata schema
> - modelling schema

I prefer Mikael's imperfect "element vocabulary", which
seems approximately right if you squint hard enough.  Again,
one would need to qualify this by saying that the vocabulary
is being characterized this way because they largely consist
of properties, which are typically used as predicates.

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mikael's suggestion of "value vocabulary" and "element vocabulary" is 
> really good, but this does mean we'll have to be very careful in 
> drafting our documents to meet criterium c, but this will not help 
> people outside our documents. We have a chance here to think up 
> something that will have a wider use than our documents.
> If we ignore criterium d, then choosing "RDF vocabulary" for 2 seems 
> obvious, but violates criterium c. Therefore something like
> "conceptual model" or "ontology" for group 2 is better.
> My personal favorites are:
> 1) value vocabulary - expresses that we're dealing with vocabulary 
> concepts that are _used_ in actual metadata. Violates b/c though.
> 2) metadata model - expresses that these things determine how actual 
> metadata can look like; more neutral term than "ontology" which library 
> people may interpret as something different than a metamodel.

I find "metadata model" really confusing!  For example, is
an XML schema a "metadata model" (because it expresses how
actual metadata can look)?

Given a choice, I would rather bite the bullet and use
"ontology", taking the risk that some readers may still
associate "ontology" indelibly with a branch of traditional
metaphysics. Or "conceptual model".  But I do not see these
as being in the same category as "metadata element set".

On the other hand, I'm not really sure we need to define a
separate handle for things like FRBR.  To take the example
of SKOS, SKOS is definitely an RDF vocabulary -- in our
terminology, an "element vocabulary" (with classes that
might be considered a "value vocabulary", but basically
an element vocabulary) -- but it is also a data model for
describing concepts.  For our purposes, if we squint hard
enough, I think we could characterize SKOS as an "element
vocabulary" and simply mention that it is related to a data
model -- without classifying it as a "metadata model".
The same applies to FRBR: yes, it is a conceptual model,
but when used in linked data it is an "element vocabulary".

This is the best I can come up with given the choices, but
none of the options seems really satisfactory.  I only wish
I were more firmly convinced that this exercise of "haute
vulgarisation" is really helpful and will not itself cause
some confusion...

+1 for Ed's suggestion re: "dataset".

In sum:
    Element vocabulary
    Value vocabulary
    Data set
    No particular handle for "conceptual models", which we
        may refer to variously as "ontologies" or "conceptual


> Opinions? If you argue pro/con particular terms it helps if you point 
> out the principles/communities on which that preference is based.
> Best,
> Mark.

Tom Baker <>

Received on Thursday, 2 December 2010 21:30:46 UTC