Joint meeting LLD XG and DCMI Architecture Forum, 22 October

The planned joint meeting between LLD XG and DCMI Architecture
Forum on Friday, 22 October (at DC-2010 in Pittsburgh [1])
-- see attached description -- was discussed yesterday on a
telecon of the DCMI Architecture Forum [2].

Focus of discussion was a draft position paper [3] reviewing
the DCMI approach to application profiles from both historical
and technical points of view.

Members of this list are invited and encouraged to join the
dc-architecture mailing list [4], participate in a draft review
of the DCMI Abstract Model [3], or join us for future telecons.



Joint meeting, DCMI Architecture Forum and W3C Library Linked Data Incubator Group

   Title: Application Profiles for Linked Data: Models & Requirements (Parts 1 & 2)
   Convenors: Tom Baker, Emmanuelle Bermes, Antoine Isaac
   Sponsors: DCMI Architecture Forum and W3C Library Linked Data Incubator Group
   Date/Time: Friday 22 October, 2:00-5:30pm
   Abstract: Application Profiles for Linked Data: models and requirements"

   This two-part meeting will look at current approaches to
   application profiles -- methods for documenting the content
   of descriptive metadata to promote the design of compatible
   metadata applications and maximize the coherence of metadata
   in a Linked Data environment. Starting with a review of
   the approach based on the DCMI Abstract Model, including
   the Description Set Profile constraint language and
   Singapore Framework for Dublin Core Application Profiles,
   the meeting will also consider other emerging approaches
   to specifying and documenting metadata patterns for use
   in Linked Data. By taking a fresh look at requirements
   in a rapidly evolving environment, this meeting aims at
   identifying and prioritizing areas where future work may
   be needed.

Tom Baker <>

Received on Friday, 20 August 2010 19:25:00 UTC