Re: YAML-LD CG Specification

I am fully supportive of taking up working on a “CBOR-LD” which is focused on serialization of JSON-LD data into CBOR.  This would be a HUGE win for us C2PA, as almost all of our data structures are CBOR based – except for a few based on JSON-LD (e.g., EXIF, IPTC, and XMP).   Being a deterministic/standardized way to take JSON-LD to CBOR(-LD) would be a win!   Anything I can do to help – including editing/authoring - please let me know.

I will note that I talked with Manu when he first proposed his CBOR-LD – and while I appreciate his also finding ways to compress the data, I do worry about the added complexity and compatibility of that piece of that proposal.


From: Gregg Kellogg <>
Date: Tuesday, November 21, 2023 at 5:04 PM
To: Semantic Web <>
Cc: JSON for Linking Data Community Group <>, JSON-LD Working Group <>
Subject: YAML-LD CG Specification
EXTERNAL: Use caution when clicking on links or opening attachments.

Work is pretty mature on the CG version of YAML-LD [1]. The CG will work towards releasing a Final Report shortly and we expect the JSON-LD WG (now in maintanence status) to take this up for eventual publication as a Recommendation.

We also expect to take up similar work for CBOR-LD [2][3].

I expect this to be the topic of an upcoming JSON-LD WG meeting. People interested are invited to comment and participate.

Gregg Kellogg


Received on Tuesday, 21 November 2023 23:03:54 UTC