Love for JSON-LD at US Semantic Technologies Symposium


Last week I presented [1] at the US Semantic Technologies Symposium [2], a
very broad cross-discipline event with excellent representation from
cultural heritage, industry, academia, and projects from personalized
medicine and food science, through cyber security, to art history.

One consistent theme ran through the entire two days of the good that
JSON-LD has done over the past few years for the engagement with LOD beyond
the "elite" academic organizations or very well resourced commercial
organizations. Many people came up to me asking about the JSON-LD 1.1
changes and were especially excited by scoped contexts and the ability to
embed JSON literals.  The list-of-lists issue was a concern, as the major
remaining structure that cannot be semantically round-tripped through

If you're also presenting about JSON-LD and get feedback of any sort, it
would be great to share on the list to ensure that our ongoing work stays
in touch with what is needed and addresses real  and shared concerns.




Rob Sanderson
Semantic Architect
The Getty Trust
Los Angeles, CA 90049

Received on Monday, 5 March 2018 18:49:15 UTC