JSON-LD Telecon: 2018-04-09 (8am PDT / 11am EDT / 3pm UTC)

Our next telecon is on Monday April 9th.


* ?

Open PRs:
#628 Limit the use of `@none` in language and index maps to 1.1 only
#629 Remove the `pruneBlankNodeIdentifiers` option for framing

Issues to defer:

#246 Ignoring semantically meaningless nesting – this is mostly about people not liking the @nest keyword, and we can’t really solve that here.
#333 Support JSON values that aren't mapped – I thought I might get to this, but I think it’s big enough that we shouldn’t introduce more FUD right now.
#397 Support @values for describing multidimensional containers (list of lists)
#491 Define how to specify the json-ld profile in a request to a server and include framing as an option
#547 Content addressable contexts 
#581 Multi-version processing
#583 Introducing @dir ?
#584 Revisit empty string as term
#590 "Lax” IRIs
#595 Native support for schema:ListItem
#598 Warn or error if non-keyword strings having "@" are encountered

Finishing up work and issuing final reports:

* CG will remain open, but go on hiatus while the Working Group is active.
* After WG, CG will likely manage errata, discuss the further evolution of JSON-LD, and consider other things that aren’t part of the WG output.

Any other business
* Open issues in project: https://github.com/json-ld/json-ld.org/projects/2

Call Details

Time: 1500 UTC, 8am San Francisco, 11am Boston, 4pm London

Where:  WebEx
  Connect: https://getty.webex.com/getty/j.php?MTID=mcade346a3b4d39746b8180427db8837c
  Meeting number / Access code: 621 993 836
  Meeting password, if necessary: framing
  Join by phone:
      1-877-668-4493 <(877)%20668-4493> Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)
      1-650-479-3208 <(650)%20479-3208> Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
IRC:  irc://freenode.net/#json-ld
Duration: 60 minutes

Gregg Kellogg

Received on Friday, 6 April 2018 23:07:44 UTC