Re: Co-Chair

Thanks Gregg!  If it's acceptable to everyone, I'm very happy to take on
the work. If anyone else would like to, then please do put yourself
forwards ... the goal we all share is to move the specifications forwards,
not to quibble over who sends out agendas for teleconferences :)

My background that Gregg alluded to:

I co-chair the Open Annotation Community Group (currently very quiet,
following the release of the TRs earlier this year), and co-chaired the Web
Annotation Working Group, including the negotiations with the W3C about the
transition of control back and forth. I'm the W3C Advisory Committee
representative for my organization and have good working relationships with
many of the W3C staff.

JSON-LD is a core technology choice for the IIIF community [1], for which I
am on the Executive Board and am the primary editor for the Presentation
API (which is the main use of JSON-LD).  It is also fundamental for ongoing
work in the Museum community [2]. This is not just another specification
and line item on the resumé, a successful specification for a new JSON-LD
version is a fundamental need for the organization and communities that I



On Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 2:19 PM, Gregg Kellogg <>

> As we move through spec updates and on to implementations and work for a
> WG, I think it would be good to have a co-chair. I also think that the time
> is coming when we want to start CG calls on a regular basis, and the
> support would be useful.
> I suggest Rob Sanderson, who has been a CG member for a long time, has
> volunteered, and has experience chairing W3C Working Groups.
> Anyone else that is interested, please put your name forward, and we’ll
> call for a consensus response to proceed.
> Gregg Kellogg

Rob Sanderson
Semantic Architect
The Getty Trust
Los Angeles, CA 90049

Received on Monday, 13 November 2017 23:33:19 UTC