Re: JSON-LD & nested structure

good morning;

> On 2016-08-17, at 22:43, Gregg Kellogg <> wrote:
> […]
>> I don't know if the Ruby implementation supports these features yet.
> I believe I support all of the embedding options that Dave’s does.
> BTW, on my short-term list is to try to update the Framing spec based on this common behavior.

if you should get to that, please distinguish between behaviour which concerns or presumes a json data model and that which concerns just the encoding itself.
as the document stands, there are aspects which one ignores - with bad conscience, but to advantage, when one has no json data model and there are others which, when they are implemented because they are stated so explicitly, but without a model, are just not a good idea.

best regards, from berlin,
james anderson | |

Received on Wednesday, 17 August 2016 23:33:59 UTC