Re: Request for JSON-LD help with another standard

I'm currently involved in some efforts using CAPEC, CVE, etc. standards, as
well as SysML/UML XMI, to generate RDF/OWL/SPIN graphs of cyber-physical
systems, attacks and defenses. I would definitely be interested, and maybe
even qualified to provide some insight. Do you have some snippets you'd
like to see represented?

About publishing:
As some other folk have pointed out for other efforts, if you are actually
going to be publishing/exchanging data (i.e a library, standard, api), you
would still want a canonical, versioned compaction context, which should
produce documents that adhere to a JSON Schema... so there would likely
still be a ton of work to do... but much of that is automatable.

About modeling:
The JSON-LD metamodel has proven really nice for the initial prototypes
(mostly done in Jupyter Notebooks), and I'm pretty confident the solutions
will scale (i.e. into a real graph stores of teratriples). The huge wins of
consistent typographical/logical mechanisms for @id, @type and @context are
tremendous, though I am really looking forward to non-janky inference (i.e.
rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf*) for inspecting types.

Another upside is that there is no application-level parser/metametamodel
needed at parsing time, as with XMI/MOF... several of the libraries (pyld,
jsonld.js, etc.) provide a "link" method that can represent a document as
an already dereferenced graph of native objects.

About the prototyping process:
here's a workflow snippet derived from my early work:

It's not as responsive as the json-ld playground... but you can actually
query the results with sparql/slicing notation. You may note that I use
YAML to actually author the content: I find this much more pleasing than
JSON for hand-authoring... something that I'd love to see in the playground.

Overall, I find the toolchain around building up JSON-LD and JSON Schema is
far, far easier than XMI/XML in a non-native XML-type environment with
extensive tooling, so it could be really good if your goal is easier

Certainly continue to engage the group, as I am hardly an expert in any of
these topics, but let me know if you'd like to coordinate efforts!


On Fri, Oct 2, 2015 at 6:36 PM Cory Casanave <> wrote:

> I am engaged with an Oasis standards group:
> This group currently uses a rather large XML Schema but is considering
> additional or replacement formats. Based on their requirements and interest
> in JSON, I have suggested they look at JSON-LD. As a proof of concept we
> will be rendering a few small examples in different formats/languages.
> My experience is with modeling (mostly UML) as well as RDF and OWL. While
> we could prepare a LD example some help from an experienced practitioner
> would be beneficial in making sure we use it as effectively as possible and
> thus improve the possibility of it being used in the cyber community. This
> is probably a few hours work. Please let me know if interested.
> Regards,
> Cory Casanave

Received on Saturday, 3 October 2015 15:01:32 UTC