JSON-LD context file at schema.org - request for feedback

Hello JSON-LD people!

I'm looking for a sanity check on the basic functionality of
schema.org's JSON-LD context file.

The context is content negotiable from the site homepage but also
available at  http://schema.org/docs/jsonldcontext.json.txt

I realise it could potentially contain more information, e.g. actual
schema assertions. But for now I would mostly appreciate review on
whether it meets community expectations around the basics.

https://github.com/schemaorg/schemaorg/issues/51 records an open issue
regarding properties that might take either strings or URLs as values.
I understand that for these, instance data can always use a "long
form" and datatype accordingly, so the concern is more about
defaulting when this isn't done. The relevant Python code is

http://schema.org/namedPosition takes both Text and URL values. The
current context says

        "namedPosition": { "@type": "@id" },

which I believe means  "namedPosition": { "@value": "Quarterback" } is
needed to override this.

My feeling from the github discussion is that we should suppress this
and default to text. E.g. Gregg commented that

"When I generate my own JSON-LD context for schema.org I do not set
@type to @id for properties where the range includes schema:text (or
similar literal value). IMO, it's more intuitive for an author to use
{"@id": "/foo"} than {"@value": "foo"}."

I'd like to close out our basic context support before getting into
any fancier business such as exposing the actual schema data, so any
feedback on this or related points would be much appreciated.



p.s. http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/new-structured-data-testing-tool.html
and http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/upcoming-events-in-knowledge-graph.html
show some of the use we're making of JSON-LD lately around Google. In
particular the new testing tool can extract JSON-LD, even (within
reason) from a Javascript-generated DOM...

Received on Wednesday, 21 January 2015 13:05:53 UTC