RE: [FHIR JSON-LD] How best to handle or avoid blank nodes?

On 26 Feb 2015 at 21:35, David Booth wrote:
> On 02/25/2015 10:11 AM, Manu Sporny wrote:
>> So, count us in - send the questions to the mailing list and it looks
>> like you have multiple community members that would be willing to help out.
> Thanks Manu (and Markus and Jim and any others)!   Okay, my first
> question regards blank nodes.
> Here is an except of a FHIR JSON data:
> {
>    "dob": "1972-11-30",
>    "_dob": {
>      "id": "314159",
>      "extension": [{
>         "url" : "",
>         "valueString" : "Easter 1970"
>      }]
> }

Have you considered expanding dob and _dob to the same URL? Something like:

      "@context": {
          "@vocab": "http://example/fhir/vocab#",
          "xsd": "",
          "dob": { "@type": "xsd:date" },
          "_dob": { "@id": "dob", "@type": "@id" },
          "extension": { "@container": "@list" }
      "dob": "1972-11-30",
      "_dob": {
          "id": "314159",
          "extension": [
                  "url": "",
                  "valueString": "Easter 1970"

This yields (please note extension is a list):

  _:b0 <http://example/fhir/vocab#dob> "1972-11-30"^^<> .
  _:b0 <http://example/fhir/vocab#dob> _:b1 .
  _:b1 <http://example/fhir/vocab#extension> _:b3 .
  _:b3 <> _:b2 .
  _:b3 <> <> .
  _:b1 <http://example/fhir/vocab#id> "314159" .
  _:b2 <http://example/fhir/vocab#url> "" .
  _:b2 <http://example/fhir/vocab#valueString> "Easter 1970" .

You can transform these triples back to 

      "@context": ...
      "@graph": [
              "@id": "_:b0",
              "dob": "1972-11-30"m
              "_dob": {
                  "@id": "_:b1",
                  "id": "314159",
                  "extension": [
                          "@id": "_:b2",
                          "url": "",
                          "valueString": "Easter 1970"

with the following frame:

      "@context": {
          "@vocab": "http://example/fhir/vocab#",
          "xsd": "",
          "dob": { "@type": "xsd:date" },
          "_dob": { "@id": "dob", "@type": "@id" },
          "extension": { "@container": "@list" }
      "dob": {}


Markus Lanthaler

Received on Friday, 27 February 2015 08:23:49 UTC