test document frame-0021-frame contains a term which is not present in the respective vocabulary

good afternoon;

the frame-0021 test includes the 'dc:list' term with reference to the dublin core element vocabulary, but there is no description for that term in the dublin core documentation. (http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/#H3)

is this by intention?. if so, how do you in general intend that a processor handle terms which are not present in a referenced vocabulary. our experience from handling rdf over the past two years, is that the variations have _all_ been unintentional and, as such, our default disposition is to reject any request which includes such as variation.

what do you intend for a json-ld processor to do when presented with a term which is not presented in the indicated vocabulary?

james anderson | james@dydra.com | http://dydra.com

Received on Sunday, 27 July 2014 14:58:46 UTC