Multiple @require in a single document

I was just dinking around with an interesting JSON format, JSON Resume:

I put together this initial stab at a context for it, using
(feel free to chime in there! how would you handle "bio"? how about the mix
of content in the "work"? Is there a non-intrusive way to inject @types?)

Here is the bogus context applied to their sample resume.json:

One thing I noticed was about the "work" and "publications" terms, both of
which use @reverse. Apparently, only the latest one is honored in expansion
(or any of the features).

Here is a simpler playground version, based on the @reverse example from
the spec:

I would expect to also see #bart and #lisa as children under the pets.

Any thoughts? Am I doing something glaringly wrong? Are there any examples
of using multiple @reverse correctly?

Received on Tuesday, 8 July 2014 14:29:34 UTC