Re: Redirecting specs to

On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 6:13 AM, Markus Lanthaler
<> wrote:
> I'm wondering whether we should set up a temporary redirect for the specs to
> now that they've become RECs:
>     ->
>     ->
> This would make it clear that there's (at least currently) only a single
> version of the spec. As soon as we start working on these document again, we
> just remove the redirect.


I don't think we should be switching around the meaning of those
spec/latest/ links.  Let's keep those pointing at the latest draft
from this group.  One reason is people may use the link vs one and then when we change the meaning of those links, they
would be pointing at the wrong document.

How about this: On the website navbar dropdown, add a group at the top
called "Recommendations" that links to the latest docs and
change the text "Latest" to "Latest Draft" (and still use spec/latest/
for the link).  Then on the spec/ page, for each doc with official
recommended specs, add another line with links to each recommedation
doc, and change the "Links to JSON-LD specifications" text to "Links
to JSON-LD drafts".


Received on Friday, 17 January 2014 17:32:39 UTC