Re: Broken links in the spec

> On Dec 7, 2014, at 7:07 AM, Sean Johnson <> wrote:
> Hello again,
> The JSON-LD 1.0 Processing Algorithms and API recommendation has numerous broken links to:
> #dfn-type-mapping isn't an anchor target defined anywhere.
> I'm implementing 6.2) Create Term Definition ( ), but I'm a bit confused on 10.3, 11.6 (and so on) where the result of passing all the error checking is to set something on the "term definition".
> Maybe I'm confused on what's a term definition? I thought the term definition I'm creating was just an entry in the context, and I was just adding JSON keys/values to the context that I'm merging the local context into (in the overall picture of context processing). So my understanding was I'll be adding things like "@type" in 10.3 and "@reverse" is 11.6. But it seems the term definition is something else being referred to in 10.3) 11.6) etc., it's a stateful object in the Ruby implementation with a boolean flag for the term being reversed for example. I understand "@reverse" getting a blank node identifier or an absolute IRI, but "reverse flag" getting true… say what? The algorithm seems to be referring to something that's not been defined anywhere before. What's getting the true value for a reverse flag?
> This portion of the spec, create term definition is a bit less clear, and the broken links don't help. Any suggestions?

I ran the spec through the W3C Link Checker [1], and it passes cleanly. Indeed, this is a requirement before a spec can be published. In particular, dereferencing the #dfn-type-mapping fragment takes me to the part of the document with the following text:

The active context contains the active term definitions which specify how properties and values have to be interpreted as well as the current base IRI, the vocabulary mapping and the default language. Each term definition consists of an IRI mapping, a boolean flag reverse property, an optional type mapping or language mapping, and an optional  container mapping. A term definition can not only be used to map a term to an IRI, but also to map a term to a keyword, in which case it is referred to as a keyword alias.

A Term Definition is a structure used to hold information about a term found within a @context. They typically contain IRI, Type and Language, and Container mapping information, and indicate if this is a reverse term. Term Definitions are an abstract concept not included directly within a context, but derived from it as part of processing. This information becomes important during both compaction and expansion.



> Cheers,
> Sean

Received on Sunday, 7 December 2014 19:31:12 UTC