Agenda: JSON-LD Telecon - Tuesday, January 29th 2013

Hi all,

I think we're ready for a Last Call with JSON-LD 1.0 (the syntax
specification). We need to make sure everything is in order and then
start turning the crank to send this over to the RDF WG for review. We
should also revisit the relative IRI issue. This week will be a normal
60 minute call.

Information on how to join the call and previous minutes and audio logs
can be found here:

The preliminary agenda is below. Please respond to this e-mail if you
want to add something to the Agenda or if you have any questions.

Tuesday, January 29th 2013
Time: 7am San Francisco, 10am Boston, 3pm London
Digital Bazaar Telecon Bridge
   Phone US: +1.540.961.4469 x6303
Duration: 60 minutes
Scribes: Gregg, Niklas, Markus, François, Manu


1. Remaining Editorial Work for JSON-LD 1.0 Specification
   * First paragraph of annotations section
   * Update to JSON-LD Data Model
   * IANA parameters
   * Anything else?
2. Update on Algorithms
3. Design Issue with Relative IRIs and compaction

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
President/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: Aaron Swartz, PaySwarm, and Academic Journals

Received on Monday, 28 January 2013 05:00:43 UTC