Possible issue with the playgrounds IRI Expansion Within a Context


The 2nd example in section 4.8 of the syntax spec titled: "Terms
may also be used when defining the IRI of another term" led me to
believe that the attached modified version of expansion test 2's input
should still expand out to the original test's output. However, in the
playground it only expands out to the prefixed version (e.g.
"contributer" expands to "dc:contributer" rather than the expected full
uri "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor". Have I simply
misunderstood the spec and this is this the expected behaviour, or is
there a bug in the playground code?


Tristan King
Software Engineer
DFKI Kaiserslautern

Received on Thursday, 1 March 2012 11:00:56 UTC