Re: JSON-LD format for music

On Jun 24, 2012, at 6:34 PM, Manu Sporny wrote:

> On 06/22/2012 02:57 PM, wrote:
>> My question is this: Can someone point me in the direction of anyone 
>> who's already implementing a json-ld standard for music
>> (specifically, songs)? If it doesn't exist, then I would definitely
>> like input as to how to go about starting it!
> Hi Daniel,
> Yves Raimond (cc'd) and Frédérick Giasson have done a /ton/ of work in
> this area and you could easily build on top of what they have created -
> The Music Ontology. Here's a link to get you started:

Also check out the work done by Alexandre Passant on Seevl:

> Also, Gregg Kellogg - who is one of the editors and authors of the
> JSON-LD spec - was involved with a big music industry initiative to
> express music using Linked Data, so he might have some good pointers for
> you.

Yes, this was broadly influenced by the Music Ontology, but sadly, didn't go anywhere. I blogged about it, and it may be useful for what you want to do. The transformation from a Turtle representation should be straightforward in JSON-LD:


> You may also want to check out MusicBrainz, who releases all of their
> data in Linked Data form (for free), using the Music Ontology among
> other ontologies/vocabularies, - specifically, RDFa page markup. Check out:
> If you "view source" you can see a bunch of RDFa markup that points out
> the data in the page... search for "mo:" and you will see the Music
> Ontology markup in the page. You can extract the data in the page by
> going here:
>> I'm looking for something similar to the following (which is modeled 
>> after the "What is JSON-LD?" video):
>> { "@context" : "", "@id" :
>> "", "title" : "Hotel California", 
>> "artist" : "The Eagles", ... }
>> But then, what is included by the ellipsis? The genre, track,
>> length, and all other normal song identifiers? What about play count,
>> rating, etc? 
> Much of this is covered by the Music Ontology... you would have to
> create a JSON-LD context that would map the simple 'terms' to full
> URLs... then you could reference that context in your application and
> make your music player a full-blown Linked Data music player. Here's an
> outline of how you'd do it. The JSON-LD context file would look
> something like this:
> {
>  "@context": {
>    "mo": "",
>    "dc": "",
>    "foaf": "",
>    "xsd": "",
>    "Track": {
>      "@id": "mo:Track"
>    },
>    "title": {
>      "@id": "dc:title",
>    },
>    "trackNumber": {
>      "@id": "mo:track_number",
>      "@type": "xsd:positiveInteger"
>    },
>    "duration": {
>      "@id": "mo:duration",
>      "@type": "xsd:duration"
>    },
>    "publicationOf": {
>      "@id": "mo:publication_of",
>      "@type": "@id"
>    },
>    "maker": {
>      "@id": "foaf:maker",
>      "@type": "@id"
>    },
>    ... and so on
>  }
> }
> Then you could use the context above like so in a JSON-LD document:
> {
>  "@context": "",
>  "@type": "Track",
>  "title": "Paparazzi",
>  "trackNumber": 3,
>  "duration": "PT3M28S",
>  "publicationOf":
> "",
>  "maker":
> "",
>  ... and so on
> }
> The data above matches what the following page publishes as HTML+RDFa, btw:
>> It seems like those would be a good basis, and i would
>> assume that users could create their own categories within this same
>> context. It almost has to be extensible in that way, so users can
>> write programs based off their own notation.
> This is easy with JSON-LD... your users would just do this:
> {
>  "@context": [
>    "",
>    ""
>  ],
>  ...
> }
> Note that the first context is loaded, then the second one. Any term
> defined in the second one overrides terms defined in the first one -
> last declared wins.
>> For example, someone could write a program that cares about
>> particular places in songs - say, the beginning of the chorus.  The
>> program could use some sort of notation to mark a location in the
>> song in a way that both computers and humans can understand. Going
>> with the theme above, the program would then only need to add to the
>> sample's metadata a line like:
>> "chorus" : ["127.03", "180.45"]
> Yep, easy to do in JSON-LD.
>> wherein the values are the timestamps (in seconds) of the sample (to 
>> which this particular data is attached) when the chorus begins.  I 
>> would need to address the conflict when two different programs use
>> the same name "chorus", and it is my understanding that use of
>> json-ld would be appropriate.
> Yes, you can prefix the app name to differentiate which "chorus" you
> mean, like so:
> {
>  ...,
>  "app1:chorus": ["127.03", "180.45"],
>  "app2:chorus": "Best Chorusss Evarrr!"
> }
> or you could use two different terms:
> {
>  ...,
>  "chorusTimestamps": ["127.03", "180.45"],
>  "chorusTitle": "Best Chorusss Evarrr!"
> }
> JSON-LD is very flexible in this respect. Hope this helps, keep asking
> questions if you have more. :)
> -- manu
> -- 
> Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny)
> Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
> blog: PaySwarm Website for Developers Launched

Received on Monday, 25 June 2012 18:34:19 UTC