Re: framing oddities on json-ld playground


On 07/01/2012 03:47 AM, Dave Longley wrote:
> On 06/30/2012 08:46 PM, Gregg Kellogg wrote:


>> Looks like a bug to me. The term selection algorithm tries to make
>> sure that the appropriate term is used, and if it's usage doesn't
>> match it's definition, it will fall back on an absolute IRI. However,
>> in this case, you're not using it as a property, but as an @id, which
>> should be okay.
>> My implementation has the same issue, so it looks like a spec bug.
> It's a spec bug. I updated the spec text and fixed it in my
> implementation. The playground has been updated as well.

Thanks for the quick response + fix.

-- kuno / warp.

Received on Sunday, 1 July 2012 09:10:17 UTC