RE: Multiple graphs syntax (ISSUE-68)

> > What is the intended end use of this RDFa to JSON-LD conversion? You
> could,
> > e.g., directly create an expanded document without any contexts in
> it.
> It is a json serialization of RDFa. Actually, forget about RDFa. The
> same issue happens when you want to serialize any RDF graph. There
> isn't, necessarily, a "root" that one could use. If we take it
> seriously that json ld is (also) a serialization format for RDF,
> alongside, say, Turtle, then this issue arises.

The question is where the context comes in to play and how the data is going
to be used afterwards. Having everything expanded would be fine for some use
cases I think, that's why I asked

Markus Lanthaler

Received on Tuesday, 31 January 2012 19:00:17 UTC