RE: Aliasing @id results in typed literals for IRIs

On Wednesday, January 11, 2012 9:43 PM, Dave Longley wrote:
> > Sorry, my bad, I was setting @iri instead of doing aliasing @id but
> that
> > brought me to an interesting question: If we alias keywords, should
> the
> > alias be used for compaction and expansion be used or not? So in this
> case,
> > if I alias @id to @iri should the output contain @id or @iri?
> I think the alias should be used for compaction, but not expansion
> (where the context is eliminated). So compacted output should use @iri
> and expansion would still use @id.


> > Also, if I alias @id expansion produces some strange outputs in the
> > playground when @id is used in the JSON-LD document (it nests an @id
> > within @id,
> [...]
> That certainly looks like a bug to me. Aliasing any keyword in a
> context
> shouldn't change what the expanded output looks like since expansion
> strips the context away. I'll look into fixing it when I get a chance.

OK I've created ISSUE-55 for this.

Markus Lanthaler

Received on Thursday, 12 January 2012 13:05:12 UTC