Aliasing @id creates results in typed literals for IRIs


I not sure if this is an issue or a desired behavior - at least it's not
wrong. When I alias @id to, e.g. @iri in the JSON-LD playground @id gets
replaced with @iri as expected when used to define the subject, but it
yields to a typed literal for objects. See example below

    "@iri": "#me",
    "": [{
        "@iri": "http://example/bob#me",
        "": "Bob",
        "": {
            "@type": "@iri",
            "@literal": ""
    }, {
        "@iri": "",
        "": "Markus",
        "": {
            "@type": "@iri",
            "@literal": ""

Markus Lanthaler

Received on Tuesday, 10 January 2012 11:20:19 UTC