Re: Distinguishing a context document from an instance document

We should be careful of recursion issues, though. If context document may refer to other context documents, that can play some nasty tricks.

We may declare that when a context document is imported, json-ld processors to do not follow further context imports, ie, it stops at one level.


On Oct 2, 2011, at 04:34 , Manu Sporny wrote:

> On 09/28/2011 06:31 AM, Markus Lanthaler wrote:
>> What's the currenty way to distuingish a context document from an instance
>> document?
> There is none because a use case has not been presented where it is necessary to differentiate. I do agree that it may be cleaner if one could differentiate, but I don't know what new application this would enable for JSON-LD.
>> There are a couple of options to solve this issue (ISSUE-30)
>> - create a new MIME type
> -1
> I like this one the least, it's a bit heavy weight and would require us to create a new MIME type and file extension for JSON-LD documents.
>> - use the form MIME type parameter, i.e., form=context
> -0.5
> I like this better, but it would still be difficult for a Web Server to decide what it is serving without looking in the file. The easiest thing for a web server is to have a file extension, which would make registering a MIME type a better solution, albeit, overkill.
>> - include @context also in pure context documents
> +0.5
> I think this is the best solution. However, what important use case is this a solution to?
>> Using a MIME type (parameter) for this is problematic for client-side
>> JavaScript implementations. Including @context also in context documents
>> seems to be a straightforward and simple way to do it. The only issue then
>> is to ensure that there isn't any data in a context document - but I'm not
>> even sure if we need to do that.
> I wouldn't expect data in context documents to be a bad thing, necessarily. You could have triples that describe the context document as data. The processing rules for "@context" could specify that the only thing read from the remote document is the "@context" key. However, applications could still read the document in its entirety to find out more about each item in the context.
>> Perhaps we also just say it's not important to be able to distinguish it
>> because a client has to know what it requests!?
> Perhaps a good compromise is to require that JSON-LD Context documents are valid JSON-LD documents. That is, "@context" is required... and if it has any triples, those triples could describe the context document.
> This wouldn't complicate implementations that much, and wouldn't require a new MIME type and file extension. I don't feel very strongly about this... but if we want this feature, this may be the way to go. Thoughts?
> -- manu
> -- 
> Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny)
> Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
> blog: Standardizing Payment Links - Why Online Tipping has Failed

Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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Received on Saturday, 1 October 2011 21:50:23 UTC