- From: Gregg Kellogg <gregg@kellogg-assoc.com>
- Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 14:37:54 -0500
- To: Linked JSON <public-linked-json@w3.org>
In response to an action item, I created issue #43: https://github.com/json-ld/json-ld.org/issues/43. > In today's telco (http://json-ld.org/minutes/2011-11-29/) we discussed using using CURIEs in the key position within an@context object to describe @datatype coercion rules. This needs comes about because of the desire to fully utilize JSON-LD compact form in a generic RDF transformation without requiring a processor to automatically create term definitions. For example, consider the following expressed in Turtle: > > @prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> . > @prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> . > > <http://greggkellogg.net/foaf#me> a foaf:Person; > foaf:name "Gregg Kellogg"; > foaf:homepage <http://greggkellogg.net/>; > foaf:birthday "1957-02-27"^^xsd:date . > > I would like to be able to take advantage of the foaf:birthday range datatype in a JSON-LD representation; if the processor must automatically create a prefix (say, "foaf_birthday") there is some risk with colliding with a definition in another context. The rule would be that if the key is an NCName, it is taken as a term definition, otherwise normal IRI expansion rules apply. Allowing a CURIE to be used in the key position, could allow something such as the following: > > { > "@context": { > "xsd": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#", > "foaf": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/", > "foaf:birthday": {"@coerce": "xsd:date"} > }, > "@subject": "http://greggkellogg.net/foaf#me", > "@type": "foaf:Person", > "foaf:name": "Gregg Kellogg", > "foaf:birthday": "1957-02-27", > "foaf:homepage": "http://greggkellogg.net/" > } > > This was also briefly discussed on the mailing list: > > http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-linked-json/2011Nov/0041.html Gregg
Received on Tuesday, 29 November 2011 19:39:04 UTC