Re: Forms and principles of the JSOD-LD context

Hi all!

This is a good discussion. I hope we can make something definitive of the idea.

2011/11/2 Markus Lanthaler <>:
>> > I looked at it more from a programmers perspective (and I think a lot
>> of
>> > people that will eventually use JSON-LD do). If consider the context
>> as kind
>> > of a header file where all variable declarations are made, I think it
>> would
>> > make sense. So you basically say: In the context (that's the
>> "header") I set
>> > up and declare everything that I'll then use in the main JSON-LD
>> document,
>> > i.e., I map terms and prefixes to IRIs and set their data type. I
>> think
>> > programmers won't have any problems in understanding that the context
>> isn't
>> > about instance data. Even more so if they use external context
>> documents. On
>> > the other hand, the term coercion is typically used to refer to
>> implicit
>> > (automatic) type conversions in programming.
>> Agreed, introducing more keywords will only confuse. Programmers will
>> intuit meaning based on context (no pun intended). Probably the same
>> reasoning goes for using @type instead of @datatype both in literals
>> and to replace @coerce in the term definitions.
> Yes, I think so. That's exactly the reason why proposed merging @type and
> @datatype in the first place.

First off, I wouldn't like to merge this discussion with the one about
merging @type and @datatype. Let's handle that in the separate thread.

In any case, I am very wary about using the same term in different
contexts to denote *different* things. I agree that programmers (and
people in general) usually can handle that, but it can make things
very tricky. For instance, examples have to make it clear that they
outline a particular item (say a term declaration) within the
"@context", unless it is fairly obvious in the example. Also, in
particular, "datatype" doesn't really capture the nature of how we
coerce. We have "@iri" and "@list" as well, both very different from
datatypes, instead controlling how to interpret the object as a
resource (not a literal).

However, we have another option which let's us avoid this particular
problem entirely! Instead of using an object with special keys to
define a term as a combination of iri and coercion, we can define this
combined form to look like this:

    "created": {"": "xsd:dateTime"}

That is, the object for the term is a dictionary where the key
represents the IRI, and the value defines the coercion (or coercions).
This becomes very succinct, but I find it quite readable and
understandable. While it doesn't open up for more features, I suspect
that that is a good thing. (And I can still work my needs of sets and
possibly rev keys into coerce tokens.)

Here's a more complete example:

    "@context": {
      "title": "",
      "description": "",
      "identifier": {"": "xsd:string"},
      "publisher": {"": "@iri"},
      "created": {"": "xsd:dateTime"},
      "authorList": {"":
["@list", "@iri"]}

I find this quite appealing.

I've tried this out, combined with what Gregg suggested: that we might
be able to use a *list* of contexts with different "@vocab" values in
each to make things more compact.

That of course requires that terms/curies in right-hand values are
allowed (to be resolved against the same context). I implemented that
as well, in the process noticing that even in the current context
form, the "@coerce" block depends on the parent context. So the
streaming issue is there regardless (and I think it can be overcome by
other means -- for instance by using precisely this list form (or
"chain of contexts" if you will)).

Our system now supports both the current form with a disconnected
"@coerce" section, like:


, and the latter form I here suggest, using combined term directives.
It also supports reading a "@context" list as described (in order, the
keys of the last object overrides eventual keys in preceding objects).
Combining these makes this work:


Notice here that the IRI values in the combined form are mostly
exactly the same as the key term, since they are resolved against
@vocab. Given that we already have this repetition (in the leaf of
every bound IRI), and that I don't find this "mirror" effect
particularly disturbing, I think that it is fine. Also, notice that
each context object is to be interpreted at a time (so that each
"@vocab" works as expected within its context object). And finally
that, according to the merge order, the last object (where vocab is
"") defines the vocab
for any instance document referring to this context document.

I know, I've gone and made this into a two-piece suggestion. Consider
the "combined term form" as one, and the "chain of vocab-altering
contexts with resolvable right-hand IRIs" as another. (Granted, I find
that they work very well together.)

What do you think?

Best regards,

Received on Friday, 4 November 2011 21:21:34 UTC