JSON-LD normalization algorithm and MongoDB

Given that the revised specification requests input from people who
are using MongoDB and JSON-LD, I thought I'd throw this out there.

Step 2.1 in the Normalization Algorithm in section 8.3.3 states that
for each key in the input JSON-LD document is a CURIE, "If the key is
a CURIE, expand the CURIE to an IRI using the transformation map."

Presumably, most IRIs will contain periods, i.e. the '.' character.

Per http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Legal+Key+Names, in MongoDB,
"the '.' character must not appear anywhere in a key name" in a given

Therefore, it is likely that most if not all of the output of the
Normalization Algorithm as stated in the specification will be not be
storable in MongoDB without further editing or modification. That may
be OK in many use cases; simply storing JSON-LD with all keys being
CURIEs will avoid this issue, but it is worth noting that restriction.

Bradley P. Allen

Received on Monday, 9 May 2011 00:14:48 UTC