RE: Expansion Algorithm

> >> 1) Does {"foaf:age": 54} cause 54 to be expanded to {"@literal":
> "54",
> >> "@datatype": "xsd:string}. IMO, I think that non-string types such
> as
> >> boolean, integer and numeric are not subject to expansion, in spite
> of
> >> any coercion.
> >
> > .. but it should be expanded when normalizing a document.
> Note clear, this would involve introducing xsd:integer and the others,
> where before it was pure JSON-LD, without reference to any external XSD
> types. That is why I suggested that the native types remain in their
> original form.

I think we mean the same here: We should leave the native types in their
original form in the JSON-LD document unless it is normalized. When the
document is normalized all the values are normalized to an explicit literal
form according a specific (yet to be specified) lexical form.

> Yes, but the algorithm as defined doesn't describe this, at least to my
> reading.
> >> 5) {"foo": {"@list": ["ex:bar", "ex:baz"]}, same argument as for 4).
> >
> > Same here, just if "foo" is coerced to @iri.
> Agreed that that is what should happen, just not what the spec says
> right now.

In your initial mail you said:

> I can make the spec changes, but I want to be sure that this is
> generally accepted.

So I just wanted to share my opinion :-)

Markus Lanthaler

Received on Sunday, 4 December 2011 08:17:54 UTC