- From: elf Pavlik <perpetual-tripper@wwelves.org>
- Date: Wed, 06 Jan 2016 19:35:33 +0100
- To: public-ldpnext@w3.org
- CC: Eric Prud'hommeaux <eric@w3.org>
Hello, http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp# in text/html and text/turtle representations state: "membershipResource range: rdfs:Property - Indicates the membership-constant-URI in a membership triple. Depending upon the membership triple pattern a container uses, as indicated by the presence of ldp:hasMemberRelation or ldp:isMemberOfRelation, the membership-constant-URI might occupy either the subject or object position in membership triples." ldp:membershipResource a rdf:Property; rdfs:comment "Indicates the membership-constant-URI in a membership triple. Depending upon the membership triple pattern a container uses, as indicated by the presence of ldp:hasMemberRelation or ldp:isMemberOfRelation, the membership-constant-URI might occupy either the subject or object position in membership triples."; vs:term_status "stable"; rdfs:domain :Container; rdfs:isDefinedBy :; rdfs:label "membershipResource"; rdfs:range rdf:Property. shouldn't it have ldp:membershipResource rdfs:range rdf:Resource . similar to ldp:member ldp:member rdfs:range rdfs:Resource . while rdfs:range makes sense to me for ldp:hasMemberRelation and ldp::isMemberOfRelation, it seems that ldp:membershipResource should have rdfs:range rdfs:Resource Cheers!
Received on Wednesday, 6 January 2016 18:35:48 UTC