ldp:contains characteristics


I am a contributor to the Fedora 4 project (a LDP implementation). I have
some questions for the list about ldp:contains in the context of the
Container specification (https://www.w3.org/TR/ldp/#ldpc):

1. There is a recommendation that HTTP PUT SHOULD NOT update containment
triples (5.2.4), but no analogous recommendation for HTTP PATCH (5.2.7). Is
this an intentional ambiguity, an oversight, or considered unnecessary as
containment triples are server-managed?

2. The recommendation on HTTP PUT for ldp:contains suggests that it is
intended to be created only on resource creation, and thus be unique for
the object of the containment triple - that is, ldp:contains might be
(perhaps SHOULD be, following 5.2.4) understood as
an owl:InverseFunctionalProperty. Is that a reasonable interpretation of
the spec?

3. I realize that this is contingent on the answers to the above as well as
some implementation concerns, but how do people think this is affected by
what OWL refers to as the "unique names" assumption (
https://www.w3.org/TR/owl-ref/#IndividualIdentity)? Is the presence of more
than one statement ?x ldp:contains <foo> a consistency problem, or an
implication that all ?x are identifiers of the same resource?

Thanks for your thoughts,


Received on Monday, 4 April 2016 17:30:09 UTC